Ben Chonky Cat

Ben Chonky Cat

“Pawsitively adorable!” Ladies and gentlemen, meet Ben Chonky Cat—the chubbiest, most endearing furball to ever grace your wallet !

“Pawsitively adorable!” Ladies and gentlemen, meet Ben Chonky Cat—the chubbiest, most endearing furball to ever grace your wallet !



Ben’s journey began innocently enough. His owner, armed with a smartphone and an eye for cuteness, started documenting Ben’s daily escapades. Little did they know that Ben’s antics would soon catapult him into the limelight. TikTok became his stage, and the world tuned in to witness the magic of a cat who defied gravity (and diet plans).

Ben’s signature move? The Chonk Roll. Picture a fluffy bowling ball with whiskers, wobbling down the hallway. Whether he’s squeezing into cardboard boxes meant for kittens or attempting a somersault (spoiler: it’s more of a gentle flop), Ben’s chonkiness is his superpower. His motto? “Why be sleek when you can be squishy?”



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1M - Total Supply

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